Saturday, May 17, 2008

Healing Scars

It all began an afternoon walk
A lonely stroll along the forest path
The leaves I saw were turning brown
A certain sign of looming autumn

The scene that day seemed rather dull
The auburn trees, the yellow skies
The autumn breeze that beat against me
Did little to lighten me up

Along I walked on leaf-covered trail
Unaware of the road before me
A sudden moment I tripped and fell
And cut my hand among the thorns

Pulses of pain raced through my hands
As I lay there bewildered and sad
I got up and recomposed myself
Continuing my afternoon stroll

I came to a point where I decided to stop
And examine my bleeding wound
On a rock I sat against the hilltop
Against the colours of sunset gloom

I took a glance of the back of my hand
A deep cut I saw was sitting there
Red blood oozing from the wound
Trickling down to the forest floor

I looked on at the open gash
It would soon be replaced with a scar
An unsightly mark upon my hand
An ugly blemish not fading away

I turned my eyes away from my hand
There was nothing I could do for it
The wound was reminding me of my past
The past I wished never to remember

I turned my thoughts away from my hand
Turning my attention away from my pain
The sensations that were rattling my mind
Were forgotten in the blink of an eye

But there were things that I could not forget
The pain that was kept, stored within me
Emotions were building within my soul
Gripping me with utter despair

Reluctantly I looked into my heart
And saw ugly scars that would not heal
It was filled with marks of sorrow
It was riddled with blemishes of the past

Bitter memories now flooded my mind
Remembrances of failures and letdowns
Reminiscence of hurts and disappointments
Recollections of loneliness and despair

I closed my eyes, it was too much to bear
I had seen enough, not wishing for more
Tears of grief were rolling down my cheeks
I wished all this would go away

I opened my eyes and looked to the hills
And marvelled at what laid before me
A cross had appeared up on the hilltop
A lone figure there hanging upon it

His hands and feet were pierced with nails
Blood was pouring onto the ground
Lashes and scars covered his body
On his head laid a crown of thorns

As He hung in pain and agony
Abandoned there to die alone
I knew who it was without second thoughts
The lamb of God, the perfect sacrifice

He gave His life to secure my freedom
He poured His blood to heal my brokenness
He bore my sins so I could live
He took my weakness and turned it to strength

I was so moved beyond all words
Tears came streaming down my face
His grace for me was so great
His love for me was so deep

I stood and walked up to the hilltop
Where my savior King hung upon the cross
I took with me my burden and pain
And laid it down at the foot of the cross

I knelt before Him with a grateful heart
Before the One who gave it all
He said to me, ‘It is finished’
Everything He did had been fulfilled

I looked up again but He was gone
Gone with the blowing of the autumn breeze
But He was with me deep in my heart
He was closer to me than ever more

He knew his death, yet His love prevailed
He knew his pain, yet His grace held on
He knew I needed His healing touch
He knew I needed His redeeming blood

I looked up to heaven that bright sunny afternoon
Relishing in the cool autumn breeze
My deepest wounds were healed I know
By the touch of His gentle Spirit

God did heal my broken heart
Gently closing the open wounds
The scars of my heart served to testify
My deepest hurts He made them right

I looked at my hand another time
A scar had already started to form
But scars weren’t ugly, no they were not
They were part of God’s healing plan

I now know that scars weren’t bad
They were there so I could heal
They were there to show God cared
To show that He loved me

Whenever I feel it hurts too much
Whenever I think the wound is too deep
The scars of life would remind me
He is there with His healing grace
And He loves me deeply, this I know

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