Monday, May 18, 2009


Often times, we have mixed opinions as to what constitutes worship. 

Is it the good music? Is it the talented band of musicians? Is it to glittering lights and the propped-up stages?

Nah...of course not...surely these things are not worship that is pleasing to God. We all know that. Truth be told, we know much about what worship is not, but do we know what it is then?

I have to admit that I do not have the whole picture of what is worship, but I shall attempt to have a go at some thoughts about what worship means to me.

Worship flows from a heart full of adoration and awe.

Worship stems from an attitude of reverence and humility.

Worship comes from clean hands and a pure heart.

Worship springs from a broken heart and a contrite spirit.

Worship involves laying down our ambitions and goals in surrender to a higher purpose and calling that far exceeds our limited knowledge.

Worship is leaning in and listening to the voice of the Spirit as He leads. 
(For that matter, it is not about how the musicians are able to lead the crowd into the next song, but it is more a matter of how they are able to open up spaces to be still and listen to the leading of the Spirit. 
Also, worship is not about the loud and charismatic music that gets you pumped up because I believe that it usually drowns out the voice of the Spirit rather than creating space for it.)

Worship is spiritual warfare! It involves battling and tearing down forces (sometimes very subtle ones) that try to detract from the adoration of the one true God or forces (sometimes seemingly very encouraging voices) that attempt to drive the congregation instead of allowing it to be led by the Spirit.

All in all, worship comes back down to the place of intimacy and relationship with the Father who is in heaven, Creator and Maker of all, the awesome and almighty God of all.

Worship is so much richer than what is has become. Worship is so much more intimate, relational and awesome than the superficial personifications that it has been made to portray.

Dear Lord, forgive us then of our weaknesses and of our idols. Cleanse our hands and purify our hearts. Lead us once more to the place of adoration and awe. Lead us again to the place of intimacy and relationship with you. Amen.

1 comment:

jimandthesinginghamster said...

Well said Brian!! To me, worship is giving due worth to God. It comes from an old english word "worth-ship". Wanna do something Brian? Try to think of why we worship God and how we worship God. It opened my eyes more to worship when someone asked me to share about worship one week in cell group. God bless Brian. Take care..=)