Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It All Comes Down To Life!

In the end, mercy triumphs over judgement!

In the end, it all comes down to life!


Life-giving and death-bringing

Two distinctions that I have so forgotten

Forgive me Lord once more

For ever forgetting the most important thing you have taught me

To give life or to bring death

The clearest and simplest truth there is

To show mercy or to pass judgement

A simple choice yet an arduous step


For now I see once more

The liberty of your grace and your mercy

The abundance of life and life everlasting

The celebration of your works and deeds amongst us

The beauty of your purposes and promises everywhere in creation


Heavenly Father, Lord Almighty

Gracious God, Merciful Master

Praises and glory be to your name forever

Brother Jesus, Worthy Lamb of God

First born of the dead, Prince of peace

Let your life and your ways be known to all men

Holy Spirit, Divine Fire

Pillar of cloud, breath of life

Move amongst us, lead us we pray

That your Kingdom come and your will be done


Let heaven and earth be one

And the transcendent merge with the imminent

Lead your army to battle now O Lord

Let revival and reformation sweep

Lead your soldiers to war, Sovereign Lord

And usher in your presence and your light


Shake the heavens and the earth once more

That all that can be shaken will be shaken

And all that cannot be shaken will remain

And take us then, your people

To be a signet ring bearing your name


Plant us firmly in the land you have promised

Establish us in the covenant of our ancestors

Let us have rest from every side

Allow the rivers of life to flow once more

Bringing grace and healing to all nations


And open up the floodgates of heaven once again

And pour out your blessings upon your people

Your people who humbly and fearfully seek you

Who repent of their sins and turn from their wicked ways

And seek your face and pray in your holy name


I speak power and authority

I speak praise and honour

I speak blessing and grace

I speak abundance and life

Into this earth you love so dearly

Into the image bearers you care so much for


Let there be life and life everlasting

For salvation and glory

And honour and power

And kingdom and authority

Belong to you forever and ever



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