I believe that we are made in the image of God, made with fear and favour, made in delight and destiny, made to love and to live, made for goodness and grace.
I believe that we are predestined to carry His purposes and promises into every part of His creation, into the highest heavens and the deepest depths, into every seed-bearing plant and every creature that has breath, into the radiance of day and the dimness of night, into every season under heaven and into every biorhythm and biosphere upon the earth.
I believe that we are called to carry His light and redemption into every part of humanity, into thought, word and deed, calling the nations back to the awe and adoration of one true God who is infinitely good and gracious, drawing the people back to the wonder and worship of the faithful God whose purposes for humanity are trustworthy and true, and whose promises of healing and restoration endure forever.
I believe that we are baptised into the life of the Spirit, walking in the life and peace that comes from the Spirit, standing as a conduit for grace, power and healing to flow to all nations, crucifying and burying the flesh of sinfulness and death, and living the kind of life that is the full embodiment of the proclamation of a new Kingdom that is steadily and triumphantly advancing into every corner of this planet.
I believe that all our faith hinges and pivots on the resurrection, the foundation and cornerstone of all Christianity, the culmination of the covenantal promises of God through generation after generation, the promise that if were true sets us free from the slavery to sin and the tyranny of death, the seal of the victory of life over death, the power of which liberates and releases us to grow and mature to the full stature of the measure of Christ, to hear and be led by the voice of the Spirit who brings life to our mortal bodies and who is making all things new again, to lay down our lives for the cause of the cross only to take it up again, and to invest into building, planting and founding generations who will seek the face of the Lord and carry His image in their lives, relationships, communities and home.
I believe dearly in the certainties and clarity that the Lord has given me.
I believe deeply in His ways and plans that are life-giving and good.
I believe truly in His purposes and promises that are unfailing and true.
Yet, when I see reality around me, I cannot help but wonder if hope is possible in the face of the giant monsters and machineries that are running amok on this earth. I cannot help but question the possibility of the task of redeeming all mankind from their bondage to their strongholds, idols and demons already so deeply rooted and colonising their heart, soul and mind. I cannot help but doubt in the power and leadership of the Creator in advancing His Kingdom and rulership into every part of Creation.
In the face of all the evil I see on this planet, I cannot help but wonder if ultimately, the forces of life and goodness will purge and cleanse this world of all sickness, disease and death. In the place of fear, uncertainty, doubt and despair, I cannot help but long for the promises of God for healing, redemption, restoration, renewal to be fulfilled and consummated.
And it is in this realm of mystery that we journey each day, this realm where there is the good promises of a loving God on one hand, and the evil, present and frightening reality on the other hand. Would I have enough faith to traverse this delicate line of tension between certainty and reality? Would I have strength enough to hold on firmly and dearly to the truthfulness and trustworthiness of the word and oath that have been declared and dictated by the One who made all things, who holds all things together and who works all things for good?
As I tread with fear and trembling in this realm of mystery and reality, I am thankful for the many wonderful relationships that I have been privileged to be part of. I am thankful for the opportunity to share the journey of faith with the many great people that I have met along the way, people who desire to see more of the Kingdom of God on this earth, people who have gone through the depths of emptiness and despair, people who have been redeemed and sanctified by the blood of the Lamb, people who are learning to embrace a new way of life of hope and peace.
I am thankful for people, who like me, have their weaknesses and failures. I am thankful for people, who like me, have their struggles and battles, who have times when they stumble and fall, or get stuck in the mud.
I am thankful for people who in the midst of their shortcomings and sins, can hold hope for the promises of God that is true, people who in the midst of unexplained and unrestrained storms are learning to trust in a God that is indescribable and untamable, people who in the fires of testing and tribulation dare to see beyond the flames of hell to catch glimpses of heaven on earth.
I am thankful for people who are not there to merely solve all my problems for me or to just offer me some handouts or pity, but people with whom I can hold hope with, people with whom I can celebrate and mourn, people with whom I can share joy and tears, people with whom I can break bread and share wine.
I am thankful for friends who I can embrace and love, friends who I can push and propel, friends who I can cheer and encourage, friends who I can comfort and reassure, friends who I can strengthen and affirm, friends who I can speak and bring life into.
I am thankful for friends who walk and run with me, for the times we share stuck in the mud together, for the times we share pulling each other of a ditch or pushing one another up a mountaintop, for the times we share holding ground or breaking strongholds together, for the times we share fending off the enemy or marching on in victory.
Ultimately, I am thankful for friends who are on the journey together, holding hope for life, fruitfulness and restoration in the midst of the chaos, confusion and death.
So, thank you to all of you who have journeyed with me thus far. I am looking forward to the things that God will continue to outwork in our lives as we lean in to the promises of God and press on to the goal of the full stature of the measure of Christ.
And let it be so. Amen.
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